Varicose veins penis: why appeared, and which, by the way?

The most common disease is varicose veins of the lower extremities, but sometimes it can also infect other organs – especially of the male sexual member.

Description and mechanisms for the development of

varicose veins is enrolled in a

Vienna penis is of great importance for its functioning, as they take a direct part in the process of erection and is necessary for the blood to outflow to the internal tissues.

The man's penis is the organ, which is equipped with more veins and arteries – it is for this reason that when sexually aroused, they can be very out of the skin.

This is completely normal, but is healthy men veins and the vascular diameter is not more than 2 to 4 mm and light blue tone.

If the same appearance, color or density of the varicose veins is somehow different, this may be the first sign of the development of various deformities, including varicose veins of the penis.

The mechanism of this development is the same as, and in the case of varicose veins by the lower limbs – veins and blood vessels deformed and is stretched, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Causes and risk factors

The main reasons for the development of the pathology include:

  • damage to the groin area and on his own body, especially its head;
  • the existence of tumors in the groin, varicocele, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, and other diseases that may worsen the blood flow and the condition of vessels and the veins;
  • often a delay of urination, which lead to long-term compression, providing a negative impact on the vein of the penis;
  • genetic predisposition (whether some men in the vein of the penis is weak partitions, which can lead to the formation of the seals to expand the blood vessels and tissue damage);
  • surgical intervention, which was carried out in the area of the penis, scrotal and testicular – varicose veins can become a complication of such operations;
  • disorderly sexual communication, which leads to inflammation and infectious diseases;
  • the excessive enthusiasm of self-love: if this kind of action habit, this can lead to stagnation of the blood in the organs of the pelvis;
  • using unconventional sexual methodology of the stress of delayed ejaculation.


In its early stages in men usually do not feel any symptoms is not – is a penis of the penis will appear small pieces and lightly curved vein, which many patients take because of the tendons.

The development of the disease the tubercles becomes more and the organ begins to gradually melt. Later can bleeding and the appearance of the hardened plots under the skin, which is usually localized in the region of the head.

Risks and complications

Special threat to patients ' health and even that of his sex life are varicose veins in the penis do not wear, but the fact is that development must warn the man. He speaks of circulatory disturbances in the body and especially in the groin area, which may be the cause of varicocele, and even fertility.

In addition to change the look of the penis can cause serious psychological problems are the stronger sex.


The first symptom of disease is the violation of the aesthetics of the body, characterized by the advent of the nodes and tubercles, which increase in number over time.

The rest of the objects of the veins in the penis are as follows:

  • the feeling of pain, discomfort and tingling sensation is the sexual member, first of all, if there is erection, but later also in other situations (for example, if physical activity);
  • burning sensation and to lubricate skin as the sexual act as a result of vaginal dryness women;
  • strong swelling of the veins in the penis: how erection they are friendly, have a well-rounded, occurring under the skin, and in his mind recall the thick tendons;
  • puffiness of the affected area;
  • the color change in the skin of the skin of the penis pinkish is purple-red, and also the colors themselves veins: they acquire cyanotic hue;
  • täppverevalumid) and a small blood clot, which is well palpable under the skin.

When to seek medical attention?

Genital disease and all the pathology that is related to erectile function, constitute a serious psychological trauma are men, and many of them try to resolve the problem yourself or do not pay attention to this.

It can get serious errors, so that if any changes to the vein enlargement and discomfort in this area, the patient must immediately consult a doctor-phlebologist. In addition, in this case, may be necessary in consultation uroloog, a dermatologist and surgeon.



Diagnosis of varicose veins of the penis does not cause a special problem to the specialists. Directed by the diagnosis of the following algorithm:

  • collection history and hearing the patient's complaints;
  • visual inspection of problem areas (sometimes completeness whether men are artificially cause erections);
  • ULTRASOUND, which provide the opportunity to assess the blood flow to the damaged places;
  • phlebography with the introduction of the contrast shall be carried out if there is a risk that varicose veins affected the internal veins.

If there is a suspicion that the disease is due to infectious diseases or inflammation, then the sufferer is necessary to comply with investigations: blood tests, urine, ejaculation, etc.

The difference in the diagnosis of disease through , in order to exclude peyronie in the disease , which has similar symptoms.


Specific methods of treatment of this pathology does not exist, in addition to the medications used for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis of lower extremities, in this case, is not recommended.

In the first stages it is possible to get rid of using the folk (for example, gels and ointments, boiled vegetable). The explosion of a vein usually are treated with heparin with ointment, but if the procedure does not give effect within 3 days, then it is best to seek the assistance of a specialist, who organized the puncture and removes the excess blood.

If the disease progresses, patients assigned to conservative treatment, which means that to avoid sexual and drug use – particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and local anticoagulants. In order to reduce the pain syndrome or the implementation of non-narcotic pain relievers.

Sometimes to treat the disease applies to hürudoteraapiat, treatment is leeches, but this method is controversial and valid alternative methods.

If you have the corresponding readings (frequent relapses or inefficiency of conservative treatment) patients can be a surgery called phlebectomy, which means that the excision and ligation in the damaged varicose veins by the veins.

This refers to the ease of surgically interventions and take place in the genital surgeon. The period of recovery takes about two weeks – the expiry of that period may be man ago active sexual life.


Prevention of varicose veins of the penis, how and any other similar diseases, is administered on a regular (but not excessive) sexual life controlled partners – ordinary sex is not related to the risk factors for varicose veins, but on the contrary, strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

Joining the intercourse of strangers women is definitely the need to use contraception and protective equipment. In addition to the unusual sexual methods must be treated with great caution, in particular, that require the use of gel-anesthetics, that the sexual activity of renewal.

To prevent varicose of the penis in men is recommended to wear properly selected wash, do not take too hot baths, not to sit with cross-legged and do light sports.

In addition, the disease talk about the violation of blood flow, which can lead to more serious pathologies, so the patient should be sure to consult with your doctor and go through the necessary studies.